flying off
Does being busy inherently entail having less inner-life? Or is it just an excuse?
Either way, I'm having so little inner life these days. Until last week, I was hustling with the final exams and the transfer paperwork to a new university (and related immigratio stuff), and when they're over, I'm too busy having fun! Thus no post of any significance. I went to about a million places over the last two weekends (Chicago Botanical Garden, my parents' backyard BBQ, Indiana Dunes, Oriental Institute in Hyde Park, Chinatown, Brookfield Zoo, farmers' markets, Brookfield Zoo, and the list goes on). To make matters worse (just joking... this is fabulous), my boyfriend and I decided to take a spontaneous vacation over this weekend in Colorado and Utah on Tuesday, around 11 pm, which means we had less than two days till our departure this afternoon. Dah!
We'll be exploring the Arches National Park and probablly Dead Horse Point State Park in Utah, and some of the downtown Denver (where we fly to and from). Hopefully we won't be as red as two freshly boiled octopi by the end of the trip!
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