I went to a Panera in River Forest for darly lunch in an overcast morning. The streets and trees were still wet from the rain earlier in the morning, but the cloud had started to disperse. When a weak streak of sunshine broke through, rain drops left on the leaves shined, as if in celebration of their ephemeral life. Combined with the rich purple with green tint of the leaves, the drops were enough to make me dare to shoot at them, kneeling on the still moist ground, trying to ignore the suspicious looks from passers-by.
朝方の雨が残した露が、薄雲を割って射し込む日の光に輝く・・・大胆にデザ インされ、手入れも行き届いた植え込みや花壇は、シカゴに住む日々の小さな楽し みの一つ。なんでもないスーパーの駐車場で、無数の雨粒が、紫とモスグリーンの混じりあった複雑な色の葉の上で、日の光を浴びて銀色に輝くのを見られるな んて、と我が身の幸運を思う。(River Forest, IL, Oct/21/2004)
Originally uploaded by uBookworm.
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