After weeks of going through thousands of pictures, cutting mounting boards and running up and down flights of stairs with bulky boxes of frames, the Love-a-Palooza pre-Valentine's Day Art Show (see below) is now over. Thanks to all the art-oriented people who came out on this dreary night, Brooke's antique condo bustled with hugs and conversations. It was very interesting to see which ones of my photographs caught attention and which ones were liked the most--some were surprising, others were expected. Flipping through the unframed prints, some visitors suggested combinations of photographs I hadn't thought of, such as the ones below.

Since there are quite a few leftovers, I will have to look into other opportunities for art shows. But right now, after weeks of virtually no life other than the show-related work, and after a morning of through-cleaning of the apartment (which has been under piles of papers and cardboard boxes), I'm all ready to sink into a nice comfy chair with a big mug of coffee and gaze at the light flakes of lake-effect snow dancing in the pale gray sky. Sweetie-Pie, Patrick's old cat might climb onto my shoulder, demanding attention she has been deprived of--and I will pet her and rub her chin, listening to her satiated purr and feeling the warm weight of this furry creature.
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